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Chinese translation for "grouping key"


Related Translations:
key:  n.1.钥匙。2.要害,关口,要冲。3.关键,线索,秘诀;解法。4.(外国书的)直译本,图例,题解,图解,解释。5.【音乐】调,主音调;(思想、表现等的)基调,调子。6.(上钟表发条等的)钥匙;【机械工程】楔,栓,销子。7.【电学】电键,电钥。8.【建筑】板条间灰泥,初涂,拱顶石,冠石。9.〔常 pl.〕(钢琴等的)键,(打字机的)键盘。10.〔pl.〕精神权威〔尤指教皇权
keying:  按电键按键键控发报抠像锁结 锁上 键控楔紧楔连接楔住用键固定粘固
keys:  参考答案关键点关键帧基斯密钥索引键音键原画
keyer:  n.1.【无线电】电键器;键控器;调制器;控制器。2.定时器,计时器。
keyes:  n.凯斯〔姓氏〕。
keyed:  adj.1.带键的〔如键盘乐器〕。2.【建筑】用拱顶石加固的。3.定调的;调子…的〔常用以构成复合词〕。4.使调子和谐一致的。
Example Sentences:
1.An efficient dynamic group key agreement protocol
2.The research on multi - privileged access control of group key agreement
3.Cryptographic analysis of a group key management scheme based on a public - key encryption algorithm
4.How to establish the group key in a secret cryptosystem by group member ' s contributory and agreement
5.Multicast security is an urgent problem now , of which group key management and authentication are two core problems
6.This thesis introduces available multicast group key management schemes and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages
7.Based on the threshold secret sharing mechanism , a new efficient distributed group key management scheme named edgk was proposed
摘要基于门限秘密分享技术,提出一种高效的分布式组密钥管理方案edgk 。
8.Based on bilinear pairings and the random oracle model , a new identity - based dynamic group key agreement protocol for mobile networks was proposed
9.Because of the importance and urgency of security to multicast , this thesis investigates two key issues , i . e . authentication and group key management , of multicast security
10.Multicast confidential is realized by sharing a group key and encrypting communication data by the group key . how to distribute , manage and update this key is key of multicast security
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